Alphacare Services

Development of Daily Living and Life Skills

Alphacare Services will engage with you to understand your goals and work with you and your family/carers to put in place support to develop everyday skills to build confidence and independence.


Development of daily living and life skills focuses on training and development activities undertaken by the customer or their carer to increase their ability to live as autonomously as possible. Training can be provided either individually or through group activities and can include skills in daily life activities, communication, social skills, problem-solving, and managing funding of supports.


Building confidence and independence


To assist customers in managing these challenges, we offer a range of training and development activities to build their capacity to manage day‐to‐day life by developing their knowledge, skills, and support networks.

Alternatively, if you have a unique skill you want to learn, Alphacare Services will work with you to reach your goal. Our support workers come from a diverse range of backgrounds and interests. All we do is help match those skills and interests with you!


General Life Skills Development


Over our years of experience within the disability and community sectors, we have recognized and appreciated the level of complexity faced by people with a disability when tackling everyday tasks and activities. We can provide training and development across a range of life skills, including:

  • Personal hygiene: such as showering, toileting, and personal care
  • Nutrition: such as shopping for groceries and planning for and preparing a healthy meal
  • Maintaining cleanliness in your home: such as housework, laundering of clothes, and addressing maintenance issues or repairs
  • Communicating with service providers and support networks
  • Transport and travel: planning your journey, accessing public transportation, and troubleshooting issues.

Individual life and personal skills development


We understand the unique challenges people with a disability face to personal and interpersonal skills.

Furthermore, we recognize the challenges faced by the parents, family members, and carers in managing issues relating to social skills, sexuality, interpersonal relationships, regulation of emotions, and personal safety.

We provide services to assist you and your families or carers in navigating these issues as they arise and implement strategies that will increase your potential to manage these issues in the future.


Numeracy, literacy, and financial management skills development


Our staff can work with you to develop your skills and independence to manage your finances, including managing a bank account and creating a budget.

By working to improve your numeracy and literacy, we can also enhance your communication and independent living skills.


Training for parents and carers


We understand that being a parent or carer is a full‐time, high-pressure job, placing significant demands on an individual’s time, energy and resources. We can work with parents and carers to develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding required to manage their day‐to‐day realities and longer-term situations.

In partnership with parents and carers, we can provide information and guidance about

We can also work with parents to manage episodic issues, including transitions into, between, and out of educational settings and growth from the family home into independent or group‐based living environments.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.